Losing Control Read online

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  “You’re here,” Shawn replied.

  “I just said that,” Kyle agreed.

  “No…I mean…I…” Shawn rubbed his hands roughly over his face before he dropped them by his sides. “Fuck Kyle, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left you like I did and I’m sorry I didn’t call. I’m just sorry.”

  Kyle’s heart skipped a beat. He never thought he’d ever hear those words from Shawn. It didn’t take away the pain from the past two years, but it went a long way with him.

  He pushed himself off the desk and started to his mate. He stopped only a foot away. “That’s all I wanted you to say,” he told Shawn as he grabbed Shawn’s face and pressed their lips together.

  Shawn didn’t respond right away, which Kyle took as shock. Shawn wasn’t used to someone else making the moves. Then when Shawn groaned and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist, pressing him close, Kyle knew he’d made the right choice.

  Their tongues duelled for dominance and it wasn’t long before Shawn took control. Kyle melted against him. Shawn ran his hands down Kyle’s body until they landed on Kyle’s ass. Kyle moaned into the other man’s mouth as his cheeks were squeezed.

  “I’ve dreamt about you,” Shawn murmured when their lips separated.

  “Me too,” Kyle admitted.

  Shawn’s mouth slammed down on his and he was lifted off his feet. Kyle returned the kiss with as much passion as he could. He felt Shawn moving but it didn’t register until his legs pressed against his desk. He allowed himself to be lowered and laid out on his back.

  Shawn’s mouth travelled down his neck and his hand traced over Kyle’s body. When Shawn cupped his bulging erection, Kyle bucked up, increasing the pressure.

  “You are so hot,” Shawn whispered against his skin.

  “Shawn,” he moaned out the other man’s name.

  “I want to taste you,” Shawn admitted. “Let me?”

  “God yes,” Kyle agreed.

  His slacks were unfastened and quickly pulled down his hips. Then his aching cock was surrounded by warm moist heat as Shawn swallowed him down.

  “Yesss,” he hissed, his hands catching Shawn’s head to hold on.

  His mate moaned working his hard shaft with tongue and the lightest pressure of teeth. Shawn paid close attention to the sensitive head for several minutes before once again taking him down to the base.

  Kyle tried to keep from pushing into Shawn’s mouth but he couldn’t hold back. He thrust down the other man’s throat and Shawn let him, one hand stroking Kyle’s prick, the other massaging his balls.

  All too soon he felt the tingle at the base of his spine, signalling his pending climax.

  “Gonna…soon,” he barely managed to warn.

  Shawn hummed and sucked harder.

  “Now,” he yelled and shot down Shawn’s throat.

  He was licked clean before his mate rose back up his body and kissed him hard. They were both panting when the lip lock ended.

  “Dinner?” Shawn asked with a cocky smile.

  Bree either had to start leaving work later or earlier. She’d just stepped out of the elevator to the second floor parking garage when she heard voices.

  She’d looked up in time to see Shawn King with another man. Their backs were to her as they made their way to Shawn’s SUV. She wouldn’t have thought too much about it, except Shawn had his hand firmly planted on the other man’s ass.

  It was an amazingly tight and muscular ass. Perfect, she saw when Shawn’s hand moved up to the man’s back. Obviously they were a couple or they would be soon. Shawn had been around the floor she worked on quite a lot lately. She had thought hopefully it was because of her, that maybe he had wanted to be around her, to get to know her? Of course it had only been her wishful thinking, because he was very much taken.

  The stranger threw his head back and laughed at something that Shawn said. The sound travelled straight to her pussy and Bree gasped as her clit began to throb.

  While she had reacted similarly to Shawn, she wasn’t so sure her current state was completely over him. The other man had something unknown that seemed to pull her towards him.

  She took several steps back until she was pressed against the concrete wall next to the elevator.

  The two men climbed inside the vehicle and she took a deep breath. What in the hell was wrong with her?

  * * * *

  Shawn was relieved that Kyle had agreed to dinner even if he’d taken advantage of the other man by asking right as he was recovering from their time together.

  They sat across from each other at a wolf community-owned steak house. He hid his smile behind his beer as Kyle cracked peanut shells and swiped them onto the floor.

  His man had been quiet since they’d left the office but the only emotion Shawn smelt coming from the other man was deep contentment.

  “Wow, an amazing blow job followed by a steak dinner,” Kyle commented. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to impress me.”

  Shawn set his beer down and looked deep into his mate’s eyes. “I’m doing more than trying to impress you, Kyle. I want you to know how sorry I am.”

  Kyle started to shake his head but Shawn held up a hand. “Please let me get this out,” he urged. It looked like now was the perfect time to come clean.

  At Kyle’s nod, he continued. “I hurt you. I didn’t think about what I was doing to you at the time, but later when I’d come to my senses, I knew that my leaving would be very bad for you.”

  Kyle looked down at the table, silently telling Shawn he was right.

  “The longer I stayed away the worse it got. I tried to pretend I didn’t have a mate. But like with most things, the truth finally caught hold and wouldn’t let me go,” Shawn told him honestly.

  Kyle was picking at the red and white tablecloth and Shawn waited until he looked up. “Finally I knew I had to stop running and come back to you.”

  Kyle bit his lip, his face full of hurt, and Shawn wanted to kick himself. This obviously wasn’t a good idea. Why he’d ever thought telling Kyle the truth would win him his man back he didn’t know. He’d just managed to cause his mate more pain.

  They sat in strained silence for several minutes before Kyle asked softly, “Why don’t… didn’t you want me?”

  “Oh, God!” Shawn jumped from his seat and rushed over to Kyle’s side of the booth and slid in next to the other man. “I wanted you…want you, I mean. That was never an issue,” he assured Kyle.


  Shawn wrapped his arm around Kyle’s shoulders and pulled their two bodies close together. “I was scared,” he whispered.

  Kyle’s mouth opened and closed several times before he simply nodded.

  “I know you always wanted your mate. Hell, I don’t know anyone else besides me that actually didn’t actively search. But all I could think was, when I found my mate, I would no longer be just Shawn. I would be part of a mated pair or trio. I would be responsible for others when I wasn’t even ready to take care of myself. That someone would depend on me and I wouldn’t be able to provide for them…for you.”

  Kyle’s response surprised him. His mate sighed and rested his head against his arm. “I understand.”

  “You don’t have to say that. I know I’m a selfish bastard,” Shawn told him hoping to lighten the mood a little. Although it was the truth.

  Kyle chuckled and Shawn felt his tension lessen.

  “Hell man, we’re all selfish,” Kyle tried to assure him.

  “Not you,” Shawn cupped Kyle’s cheek. “You’re the most honest, good, kind man I’ve ever met.”

  Kyle blushed but Shawn meant what he said and was intent on proving it. Gently he nudged the other man’s lips to his.

  The kiss was sweet and loving and they only broke away when the waitress arrived with their food, discreetly clearing her throat.

  As they ate, Shawn struggled with whether to tell the man about Bree or not. Should he wait and make sure Kyle believed he was sincere?

  His stomach flipped and he lost his appetite. As if sensing his change in mood, Kyle looked over at him.

  “You okay?” his mate asked.

  Shawn wiped his mouth before he took a deep breath. He made sure Kyle met and held his gaze. He opened his mouth and paused. He couldn’t do it. Not yet.

  Kyle stiffened. Shawn placed his hand on the other man’s knee.

  “It’s nothing,” Shawn tried to explain. “I just can’t believe you’re here next to me. I don’t deserve you.”

  Kyle watched him for several moments. “I can tell you mean that, but you’re still holding something back. Will it keep you from me?” Kyle asked softly.

  Shawn squeezed Kyle’s leg. “Nothing in this world will ever keep me from you again.”

  “All right then. Eat.”

  Relieved, Shawn did as he was told.

  Chapter Five

  Kyle was going to kill his mate. It had been over a week since the two of them had shared dinner and one awesome blowjob in his office.

  Since then Shawn had remained the perfect gentleman. The two men shared dinner every night but at the end of the evening, Shawn would take Kyle back to his apartment, kiss him good night, and leave him alone.

  It was driving Kyle crazy.

  Shawn had told him that he wanted to make up for all the pain he had caused but now Kyle had a different kind of pain. One that even the feel of his own hand was not able to take care of.

  He wanted Shawn and tonight he was going to get him one way or another. Shawn was supposed to pick him up at seven. Just a few minutes from now.

  Kyle had put his plan into motion as soon as he got off work. Now everything was in place.

  When the knock came on the door, he had to take several deep breaths. He hoped he wasn’t making a terrible mistake.

  He opened the door to his mate as he grinned at the surprised, heated look he received.

  “You’re not ready,” Shawn observed. “I’ll wait while you get dressed.”

  Kyle pulled Shawn into his apartment, closed the door, and then pressed the bigger man back.

  Shawn caught him as Kyle started to climb up his body. His only clothing was a small towel he’d wrapped around his waist after his shower. The towel fell off almost instantly.

  Braced against the door, Shawn held him as Kyle wrapped his legs around his mate’s waist.

  “Kyle… what are you doing?” Shawn asked in a strained voice.

  Kyle wiggled his hips pressing their cocks together with the only barrier being Shawn’s clothes. “I’m showing my man how much I want him.”

  Shawn groaned and threw his head back thumping it against the door. “We have reservations.”

  Kyle licked up the side of his neck. “I don’t care.”

  Shawn hitched him up higher. “Are you sure?”

  Kyle answered him the one way he knew Shawn would understand. He kissed him. Hard.

  Shawn’s mouth opened and Kyle’s tongue stroked against his. They both moaned.

  “Take me to bed,” Kyle murmured against his lips.

  Shawn moved quickly, using his wolf strength and speed, carrying him to his bedroom. Once at the door, he paused.

  Kyle watched his reaction. Instead of soft music and candlelight like most seductions, Kyle had hard rock blaring from his speakers and handcuffs dangling from his bed frame.

  “God you’re perfect,” his mate told him before he was airborne.

  Kyle landed in the middle of his bed with a bounce. As his man stalked closer, he began to remove his clothes. “I’m gonna fuck you, my mate,” Shawn promised.

  Kyle laid back and spread his legs in open invitation. “I hope so,” he agreed.

  His shirt removed, Shawn started on his pants. “I’m going to take that tight hole of yours. I’m going to bury myself so deep inside you that you’ll feel me for a week.”

  Kyle groaned, reached out, and started to stroke his leaking cock. “Yes.”

  “I’m going to pound that sweet ass so hard you’ll never doubt who you belong to,” Shawn warned.

  Kyle bit his lip. God, the possessiveness in Shawn’s voice was almost enough to make him come. “Please Shawn!”

  Shawn pounced and landed on top of him. They rolled around, lips connecting, bodies sliding against each other.

  Shawn fucked Kyle’s mouth like he promised to do with his body—with total dominance and control. Kyle dug his fingers into Shawn’s shoulders and held on.

  As the kiss gentled Kyle felt lightheaded in anticipation. Shawn ran his hands over Kyle’s body, causing shivers of need to escape. Inhuman sounds left the back of his throat and were swallowed by the other man.

  Kyle was too far gone in pleasure to realise that Shawn had taken his arms and raised them over his head. The click of the cuffs around his wrists surprised him. He tore his mouth from Shawn’s.

  “I got those for you. I was going to cuff you to my bed if you didn’t come quietly,” Kyle told him.

  Shawn nipped his chin and chuckled rubbing their cocks together. “I promise you that when I come, it will be anything but quiet.”

  Kyle grinned as Shawn pulled away slightly.

  “Besides, having you tied down for my pleasure, unable to get away, to be able to give you so much pleasure you’re begging and shaking for release… God baby, I might not make it through this,” Shawn practically purred at him.

  Kyle moaned as Shawn lowered his body back on top of his. If he had to tell the truth, he would admit to the other man he’d hoped Shawn would use the cuffs on him. It wasn’t something he’d tried with another lover. But if there was anyone he could trust it was his mate.

  Kyle lifted his hips, increasing the pressure on his demanding cock. “Take me… I’m yours.”

  Who could resist an order like that? Shawn had been waiting to take Kyle to bed. He still had the issue of introducing him to Bree.

  Shawn had started to slowly get Bree used to seeing him. Much like he’d done with Kyle, Shawn now made daily trips to the graphic department. Bree still blushed whenever he was around.

  They’d barely spoken in words but the sexual attraction between them sizzled whenever they were close. Shawn was ready for his two mates to meet. In fact, after the weekend they would.

  “Shawn! Please!” Kyle begged.

  He just couldn’t refuse his little man what he wanted. Shawn devoured his mate. He kissed, licked, and nipped every smooth soft piece of flesh he could reach. The knowledge of Kyle giving himself so completely was almost too much. His wolf almost came to the surface. Shawn gritted his teeth to keep the wolf at bay. He moved down Kyle’s body until his mate’s cock was just inches from his face.

  Once he had control again he started to tease Kyle, at first just lapping at the head, tasting the man’s unique flavour. Kyle pushed up trying to get him to take more into his mouth. Shawn clasped his arm over Kyle’s hips and held him down. Kyle groaned in frustration.

  Perfect, Shawn thought. His mate was just perfect.

  Knowing his man couldn’t move, Shawn got down to business. He lavished Kyle’s cock with attention, licking up and down, getting it wet and shiny for him, while he used one large hand to pump up and down.

  “Yes,” Kyle urged. With his free hand he cupped Kyle’s full balls and tugged. “Oh,” Kyle moaned.

  Still pumping with his hand he moved down to kiss and lick Kyle’s sacs before taking one in his mouth.

  “God yes! Yes!” Kyle cried.

  Shawn released Kyle from his mouth and tightened his hold on the other man’s shaft. Desperately, Kyle tried to pump his hips.

  “Patience, lover,” Shawn encouraged.

  “Please…please, Shawn,” Kyle begged.

  Shawn just chuckled. He loved the sound of his mate’s pleas. He couldn’t let his man down. He moved his mouth back up to Kyle’s cock and swallowed Kyle’s shaft down, using his tongue to tease under the head.

  As he moved up and down on Kyle, he released Kyle’s hips allowing Kyle
to thrust. It wasn’t long before Kyle was all-out fucking his mouth. He urged his mate on, taking Kyle as deep in his throat as possible. Thank God he’d learned over the years to control his gag reflex. He wanted tonight to be perfect for his little man.

  Before Kyle could tip over the edge, Shawn pulled away.

  “No, please Shawn!” Kyle tried to grab onto him. The handcuffs pulled but didn’t give.

  “Lube?” Shawn inquired.

  “Pillow… under the pillow,” Kyle groaned out.

  Shawn reached and pulled out the well-used bottle. He lifted an eyebrow in question.

  The other man blushed and shrugged his shoulder. “My hand’s all I’ve had for a while.”

  “Never again,” Shawn told him as he opened the bottle. “Never again.” Then he dove back down taking Kyle’s prick back in his mouth. Immediately Kyle started to thrust again. Shawn let the other man have his way as he greased his fingers.

  Kyle had started to babble. Telling Shawn how good it was. Shawn knew how to make it even better.

  Once he had his fingers properly slick, he deep-throated Kyle and pressed the tip of one digit into Kyle’s back entrance.

  “Inside, yes inside,” Kyle instructed.

  Shawn chuckled around the cock in his mouth and pushed the finger inside Kyle’s tight hole.

  Kyle’s loud moan filled the room.

  Once he could take one finger easily, Shawn added a second. Pumped them in and out and hit the special spot.

  “Gonna…gonna come,” Kyle warned.

  Shawn nodded the best he could giving his consent while he added a third digit.

  A long deep groan and Kyle shot down his throat. Shawn backed off a little to be able to swallow all of Kyle’s essence while stretching Kyle’s hole as best he could.

  Keeping three fingers buried deep inside Kyle’s ass, he kissed Kyle’s cock one last time and moved his body up. Once he covered Kyle’s body with his own, Kyle went crazy, bucking up and pleading, “Fuck me, oh, fuck me!”

  Shawn couldn’t deny his mate what he wanted most. He pushed Kyle’s legs up to his chest and positioned himself at Kyle’s hole. Slowly he started to press inside.