Pack Law Page 4
Luckily, Julie was free, since she was on the night shift that week for the Clear Creek Fire Department as an EMT. Shelby had a lot of questions that she hoped Julie wouldn’t have a problem answering. Not only was Julie mated to a shifter but her brother was also dating a shifter woman. The café that they were going to meet at was across the street from the courthouse, so Shelby felt comfortable that she wouldn’t miss anything by stepping away.
Her producer had assigned her to cover the courthouse for the day to catch any information coming out. The actual trial hadn’t even started yet but word had gotten around. There were strangers everywhere and it wasn’t even eight o’clock yet.
She spotted a familiar car and motioned for her cameraman, Pete. Mike and Randy climbed out of the car as a dark SUV parked next to them.
“Stay on the SUV,” she ordered Pete.
“On it,” Pete replied.
Mike strolled to the SUV and stood. Damn, he was so good-looking in his dark-charcoal suit. While she preferred Mike in the more laid-back clothing he’d been in earlier that morning, there had to be something said about a suit like he was currently wearing.
“Yum,” she mumbled under her breath.
Pete snorted while lifting the camera to his shoulder, so he must have heard. Well, shit! Pete was a shifter, so of course he had. She always forgot about the enhanced hearing the shifters had. But having Pete stationed at the courthouse with her gave Shelby another source of information. He’d have first-hand knowledge about how the shifters felt the case was going if Shelby needed the information.
“As soon as the back door opens, start rolling,” she said.
“Yep,” Pete returned. He was a man of few words.
The back door opened, and Mike stepped aside. Shelby narrowed her eyes, trying to see what Mike was doing. Mike reached out and helped the young man from his seat. Bingo! Jody Norman just arrived.
Pete was working the camera, focusing in on the vehicle that Jody and three other people were exiting. She wondered if they were all shifters. While they were still dressed nicely, they didn’t appear to be lawyers.
A pretty blonde wearing all black walked around the vehicle and placed her hand on Jody’s shoulder to guide him forward.
Shelby held her thumb up, telling Pete to cut when he was finished.
“Got them.” Pete lowered the camera before he turned toward her. “Now what?”
“I’ll do a short lead-in and then we’ll send it to the station so they can edit and play it a couple of times this morning. It should look good against the protester’s interview,” Shelby said.
“Bunch of ignorant assholes, if you ask me,” Pete mumbled.
Shelby grinned. “I couldn’t agree more.” She moved over so that the courthouse steps were in the background. The edge of the shot would pick up the growing crowd.
“Ready?” Pete asked.
“Count me in,” she said with a nod.
Shelby kept her report short but sweet before Pete stopped recording.
“Would you like a drink?” she asked Pete as they started back to the news van.
“That’d be good,” Pete answered.
“If you don’t mind getting started, I’ll go grab us some refreshments,” she said. “Sprite?”
“Yes, please.” Pete seemed surprised.
“Be right there,” she promised. She always tried to pay attention to the people that worked with her. Pete was fairly new to the station but he was a hard worker and had a talent for picking the perfect shots.
Shelby strolled over to one of the food trucks parked on the side of the road. Someone must have heard about all the people gathering there and figured they could make some extra money. Normally, the food trucks rotated throughout the downtown area for the businessmen and women. Since five of them were already parked there, hours before lunch, Shelby was not looking forward to how many more protesters they had to be expecting.
She headed to a purple and gold truck that she knew well. Rosa Martinez made the absolute best Chile Verde. If Shelby had known Rosa would be there she’d have made a plan to meet Julie there. Instead, she’d be stuck eating something healthy at the café across the street. But they’d have more privacy inside than sitting on the lawn.
The walk did not make her feet feel any better in her high-heels. She hated having to wear them but they did make her legs look fabulous. If she remained in her heels all day, she’d probably be limping later. At least at the office, she could kick her shoes off and put on some flats.
“Hi, Rosa,” she greeted as she approached.
“Shelby!” Rosa was a beautiful Spanish American who had a smart mind for business and a kind heart. Shelby really liked her. “I knew you’d be here.”
Shelby laughed. “Of course.”
“So how about one of my breakfast burritos?” Rosa suggested.
“Well.” Shelby glanced back at Pete. They had started early and she was going to be working all day. Plus, if she had a salad at lunch, a burrito now wouldn’t be too bad. She grinned. “I’ll take two.”
“Great!” Rosa started to assemble Shelby’s breakfast. “So how’s it going this morning?” Rosa asked waving toward the courthouse.
“I thought we’d have a little more time before we were invaded,” Shelby commented.
“That’s exactly what it seems like, isn’t it?” Rosa said.
“Yeah,” Shelby agreed.
“I heard about it on Twitter,” Rosa told her. “My grandson made me an account where I could announce where I’d be any day of the week.”
“I know,” Shelby said. “I’ve tracked you down that way before.”
“It’s crazy,” Rosa said. “I just type a few words and anyone can find me.”
“Or you can go to the masses,” Shelby added.
Rosa rolled the tortillas into foil and held them up. “Drink?”
“A Sprite, water and large coffee, please,” Shelby ordered.
“Coming right up.”
As Rosa finished, Shelby turned back to look around the town square. The crowd had grown even more, which surprised her. The actual trial was not starting today but that didn’t seem to stop the gathering. She frowned, noticing that there was a definite change in the atmosphere. The same people she’d interviewed were on the left side of the main sidewalk and another group was gathering on the right.
“That’s interesting,” she mumbled.
“Here you go.”
Shelby returned her attention to Rosa. She accepted the large coffee cup and a bag with the burritos and other drinks. “How much?”
“Seven dollars, even,” Rosa said.
She put the bag’s handle around her wrist as she pulled a ten from her purse. Shelby passed over the bill. “Keep the change.”
Rosa beamed at her. “See you for lunch?”
“No.” Shelby shook her head. “But I’ll probably need something an hour later.”
“I’ll keep something aside for you,” Rosa promised.
“You’re the best,” Shelby told her. She stepped back to rejoin Pete.
“Hey, Shelby,” Rosa called.
“Yes.” She turned her head.
“Be careful. There will be a lot of crazies out there.”
“Yes, I think I already met a few earlier,” she admitted. With one last wave, Shelby strolled to Pete and more work.
Chapter Three
Julie looked cute in her jeans and T-shirt. Shelby envied her friend being comfortable, since she was dying to take off her shoes and put on a pair of sweatpants. The busy morning had turned into a chaotic afternoon.
The new group that had gathered while Shelby had been grabbing some burritos had turned out to be an assembly of shifters. As soon as the human protesters had spotted them they’d started to shout insults.
Shelby had reported twice more before other news vans had started arriving. Her exclusives were over and she was going to have to share her space. But this was her town and it didn’t matter how many bi
g station reporters showed up, she was going to be right there giving them a run for their money.
“Earth to Shelby.” Julie ran her hand in front of Shelby’s face.
“Oh, sorry!” Shelby laughed. She gave her friend a hug. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too,” Julie said. They walked inside the small café and grabbed one of the few empty tables. Since it was after two, they’d managed to miss the lunch crowd.
“I was surprised to get your text about lunch. I figured you’d be swamped as long as the trial is going on.”
“I will be,” Shelby agreed. “I just needed to talk to you.”
“About shifters?” Julie questioned. “You know I won’t say anything on record.”
“Yeah.” Shelby waved that off. “You never will. What I wanted to ask you about is a little more…personal.”
“Personal?” Julie repeated. “Maybe about a certain wolf?”
Shelby’s head snapped up. “What?”
Julie laughed. “I know about you and Mike.”
“How?” Shelby lowered her voice as she leaned across the table toward Julie.
“My brother,” Julie said.
“Garrett? How does Garrett know?” Shelby asked.
“Well.” Julie winked. “He stopped by Mike’s office when he was investigating the series of arsons with Lieutenant Haas, remember?”
“Crap!” Shelby did remember that morning. It had been at the very beginning of her and Mike’s relationship. She’d stopped by his office to return a jacket he’d left behind the night before, and one thing had led to another and they’d made love on his desk.
At least she’d been re-dressed by the time Garrett had knocked on Mike’s door. She’d have died of embarrassment if her best friend’s brother had walked in on her and Mike.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Shelby asked.
“I figured you’d tell me when you were ready,” Julie replied.
“Hello, ladies, my name’s Tony and I’ll be taking care of you today.”
Shelby glanced up at the cute young waiter.
He passed them each a thin menu. “Can I get you started with something to drink?”
Shelby really wished she could order an alcoholic drink but she still had more work to do. “I’ll take an iced tea please.”
“Same for me,” Julie added.
“I’ll be right back with your drinks. If you have any questions about the menu, please let me know,” he said before he left them.
“He’s cute,” Julie commented when they were alone again.
“Yes,” Shelby agreed, not really paying attention. “What are you going to get?”
“Shelby?” Julie placed her hand on top of Shelby’s menu.
“You didn’t even check out the waiter. You always check out the waiter,” Julie said. “Or at least mention how hot he is.”
“He’s a little young for me, don’t you think?” Shelby questioned.
“Yes, but that’s never stopped you before,” Julie said. “You’re really interested in Mike, aren’t you?”
Of course she was! Wasn’t that why she was sitting in front of her best friend when she should only be thinking about the next report? “Yes.”
Julie squealed. “That is so awesome!”
There wasn’t much she could say to that. For Shelby, Mike was a complication that her career didn’t need. It was her heart that wanted him. “I think you’re a little ahead of me,” Shelby admitted. “I’m still getting used to the idea of wanting Mike more than just to warm my bed.”
“I can’t believe I missed it,” Julie said. “You need to tell me everything.”
“I will,” Shelby promised. “But first I have some questions.”
“Hold on.” Julie pointed at her.
The waiter walked up from behind Shelby before he placed their drink down.
“Thanks,” Julie and Shelby said at the same time.
“Have you had time to decide?” he asked.
“I’ll have the grilled chicken salad, please,” Shelby told him. She had promised herself that she’d eat a healthy lunch.
“Can I get a cheeseburger and fries?” Julie requested.
Shelby glared at her.
Tony smiled. “I’ll have your food to you as soon as possible.”
“Thanks,” Shelby and Julie said together.
“You’re a brat,” Shelby told her.
“What?” Julie shrugged. “I don’t have to look good on camera.”
“I hate you.”
“No,” Julie said. “You really don’t.”
“Anyway,” Shelby drawled out. “I was wondering if you had any issues at work when everyone found out about you and Cooper.”
“You mean because I was dating a shifter?” Julie asked.
“Yes,” Shelby said.
“No, but then, I work around a lot of shifters, so I didn’t expect any trouble,” Julie told her. “But you do?”
“I don’t know,” Shelby admitted. “There are only a few shifters at the station and they seem to be treated equally.”
“But?” Julie questioned.
“But I may not always be at the station. If I ever want to move up, I’ll have to eventually move to a bigger city where I’ll get more exposure,” Shelby said.
“You’re going to move?” Julie frowned.
“One day, yes, and the decisions I make now will affect where I can go,” Shelby said.
“And Mike is one of those decisions,” Julie said.
“Yes,” Shelby admitted. “He is.”
They sat there at the table for several moments in silence. Shelby figured she’d caught her friend off guard and that Julie didn’t understand how the business Shelby was in worked.
“I’m sorry,” Julie finally said.
“What?” That wasn’t the response Shelby had been expecting.
“You find a guy that you’re completely interested in and you think of him as a sacrifice. So you can have the career you want but might not have the man who is perfect for you,” Julie said.
“I don’t know about that,” Shelby replied. “I’ve been sleeping with him for months, so I’m not going to all of a sudden declare my love and decide I want to settle down and have kids.”
“But you could,” Julie said.
Shelby had picked up her tea and taken a drink when Julie spoke and she ended up choking. “Are you serious?” she managed.
“Why not?” Julie asked. “You love Clear Creek and are happy here. Mike is a great guy, a successful lawyer, and a good friend to us all. If you didn’t have some sort of feelings for him, you would never have slept with him to begin with. So why isn’t that enough?”
“First of all, I started sleeping with Mike before I even knew him well. It was supposed to be purely physical,” Shelby told her.
Julie scoffed. “Yeah, right.”
“That was our arrangement and it was my idea,” Shelby snapped.
“You thought he was hot the first time you met him at my house,” Julie pointed out.
“Technically, I’d interviewed and talked to Mike before that night at your house,” Shelby corrected.
“And always thought he was hot,” Julie said with a smile. “Then you actually saw him out in a social setting and the chemistry between the two of you was obvious to us all.”
“It was not,” Shelby argued.
Julie nodded. “I thought you hated each other but Cooper told me that there was a thin line between love and hate and that the two of you just needed to continue to be around one another.”
“So you played matchmaker and kept inviting us over for barbecues,” Shelby accused.
“Not that my ‘matchmaking’, as you call it, was needed, was it?” Julie teased.
“No, it wasn’t,” Shelby said. “And it was my idea.”
Julie just shook her head. “You’re still in denial but that’s okay. The fact that you’re here today just proves my point.”
br /> “Here you go, ladies,” Tony said as he walked up with their lunches.
“Yum!” Julie cried. “This looks great.”
Shelby glanced from her bowl to Julie’s plate. Ugh, why had she eaten that burrito earlier? “Yes, thank you,” she told Tony.
“Just let me know if you ladies need anything else,” he responded.
Shelby picked up her fork and took a bite of her salad. Her conversation with Julie hadn’t gone exactly as planned. “Can we get back to my questions?”
“Of course.” Julie picked up a fry and waved it at her. “You wanted to know if I worried that my job could have been affected by Cooper being a shifter. My answer is no. Do I think it will affect yours? Probably.”
Not the answer she’d wanted but in all honesty, it was the truth. “I can’t have both.” It hurt to realize that.
“What are you talking about?” Julie leaned close.
“Mike is an out shifter,” Shelby said. “I can’t date him and try to hide our relationship too. It wouldn’t be fair to him and I doubt he’d put up with it for long. Plus, it would seem dishonest.”
“True,” Julie agreed. “But I still don’t see how that matters.”
“As a reporter, I have to be unbiased,” Shelby said. “It’s hard enough hiding how I feel with idiots like those damn protesters. If I’m dating a shifter, I won’t be given any assignment that has anything to do with shifters. And nowadays everything has to do with shifters.”
“Oh.” Julie sat back with a sigh.
“Yeah, so if I decide to take the next step with Mike, I may be throwing everything I’ve worked so hard on away,” Shelby said.
“Damn,” Julie replied. “So now what?”
“Now I want to ask some more questions,” Shelby told her.
Julie picked up her burger. “Okay, shoot.” She took a large bite, humming in appreciation.
Shelby almost kicked her friend.
* * * *
“Just to warn you, the crowd has grown since this morning,” Austin said quietly in Mike’s ear.