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Eye of the Tiger Page 7
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Page 7
“Not on your best day,” Jamie replied.
Jamie was rough as he grabbed Logan’s wrists, wrenching them behind his back before securing them with zip ties.
Jumping when he felt a foot on his ass, Zak glanced over his shoulder. Cody stood above him but his gaze was at the house. “Secure the rest of the property. Every one of these assholes is under arrest.”
Zak raised an eyebrow so that when Cody looked down at him, Zak would see his amusement. While most people were automatically afraid of Jamie due to his bulk and biker looks, it was actually Cody that they needed to watch out for. Cody had the kind of mind that could figure out any puzzle, and the damn stubborn man never gave up. This ability to go harder and longer than any of the other agents was what Zak respected most about Cody.
“Make sure to check for weapons,” Cody said.
Zak was pushed from side to side as Cody followed his own order. His cigarettes and lighter were thrown on the ground, along with a knife he’d hidden in his boot.
After Cody had emptied all Zak’s pockets, he grabbed Zak’s arms and cuffed him. Zak appreciated the fact that Cody hadn’t used the standard ties that were normal for the Coalition. Instead he’d grabbed a pair of stainless steel handcuffs from one of the ATF agents walking by.
At least Zak knew that Luca had made it back safely. There would be no other reason for Cody and Jamie to be working with the ATF.
Cody hauled Zak to his feet and got right in his face. “Name,” he barked.
Shaking his head, Zak refused to answer.
“I asked what your name is.”
“Zachary Lewis, isn’t it?” was whispered behind him.
He snapped his head over his shoulder at the women who’d come up on him. Damn, it was the same ATF agent who had pulled him and Luca over. If Zak had made all the connections, he would also guess that this was Luca’s partner.
Instead of the well dressed woman he’d met only the day before, this time Agent Fox was drop-dead gorgeous—and dangerous looking.
She was covered from head to toe in black attire. She wore a black T-shirt almost hidden by her flak vest. Her long legs were covered in black utility parts and her black boots appeared well worn. Even cuffed and in the middle of his operation wrapping up, Zak couldn’t look away. His body’s reaction was immediate. His cock sprang to life, pressing against his faded jeans as his tiger pushed up to the surface. The animal hadn’t forgotten about the sexy agent either. Knowing that this woman was also a feline shifter added to the arousal. Zak hadn’t been able to share all of himself with his human lovers in the past. He’d had to hold back his strength and some of his kinks, like biting—things that even when he’d tried to explain, he’d known that they just hadn’t got what he meant.
Agent Fox made Zak curious about what it would be like to make love with a shifter.
“Agent.” He dipped his head, speaking low.
Her eyes narrowed as she stomped forward. “I know it was you that shot Luca,” she said very quietly. “While he might not blame you, I do. And I’m going to make you pay for it.”
He jerked back like she’d slapped him. While he’d been fantasizing about her, she looked like she wanted to kill him. Yes, her hand actually tightened on the gun she held. Well, shit, he needed to get his head in the game. Just because he was unbelievably attracted to her didn’t mean she felt the same.
No, Zak was pretty sure she hated him.
Abilene felt a thrill shoot from her stomach up to her heart as Zak Lewis reared back from her. She might not have been on board with the entire joint set-up, but she couldn’t deny that she was enjoying seeing Zak in cuffs. Maybe I should give the guy a break. Hell, she’d been thinking about him as she’d pleasured herself the night before in the shower.
But even though she knew he was with the Coalition and currently being led to one of the secure vans, he still screamed dangerous. One short conversation with him and she found her animal side wanting to roll over for him.
Sure Abilene enjoyed being dominated in bed sometimes she also liked to take charge too. Zak’s entire demeanor hinted that he could give her the first, but what about the second? Some Alpha types couldn’t let a woman lead in the bedroom. She was always disappointed when that happened. With Zak the thought that she might not get to find out made her heart hurt just a little. When had she started to think about tracking him down for more than just the case? Somewhere between her shower and finding out he was actually a good guy? She wasn’t sure.
He glanced over his shoulder and their gazes met again.
She sucked in a sharp breath and felt the power radiating off him.
Zak stood staring at her while Cody spoke in his ear. If Zak was listening to his friend, he wasn’t showing any indication. In fact Cody actually shook him before following Zak’s eyes to her. While Cody’s eyebrows furrowed, the corner of Zak’s mouth moved as if he were trying not to smile. Caught watching him, Abilene couldn’t have cared less.
She relaxed her stance before placing her weapon into the holster on her thigh. Oh yes, she had Zak’s full attention. His pupils dilated as he followed every small movement she made. Smirking, she crossed her arms over her chest—then smiled. She hoped that her grin came across full of promise—and a threat.
She’d meant what she’d said to him about taking him down for Zak’s role in injuring her partner. She’d only left out the fact that afterward she could be the one who patched him up.
Abilene slipped her hands into her pockets while rocking back on her heels. The shifters they were arresting were going to be taken to the Coalition. Her boss had approved her to join a task force and both her agency and the Coalition were to wrap up their investigations.
She’d started first thing that morning by going to the sheriff’s office with Jamie and finding out who’d given her partner up. It turned out that Jamie was very handy to have around. After being interrogated by the big bear shifter, the one person who Abilene had thought she could trust had confessed. Her friend Jenny had started to date one of the men in the group and had turned on the ATF. It hurt more than Abilene wanted to admit.
But that wasn’t what was truly important. No, Luca would make a full recovery. Zak had actually done a really good job at ensuring that not only would Luca not suffer any permanent damage but he could also remain in the investigation, just not in the field.
“He’s single, you know.”
Abilene jumped. Glaring over her shoulder, she found Jamie a couple of feet away. He stood watching her and she had no idea how long he’d been there as she’d stared at Zak across the yard.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied.
Snorting, Jamie bumped her shoulder with his. “Zak’s one of my best friends. I’ve known him a long time.”
“Your point?” she snapped.
“In all the time I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him look at anyone like he just did you.”
She’d be lying if she said her heart didn’t skip a beat at that statement. But even if she wanted Zak, she didn’t know if it could mean anything.
What kind of man was Zak Lewis really?
She knew he excelled at his job. Luca assured her that he’d never met such a trustworthy person in his life. He had loyal friends. That was for sure.
But what did Zak want out of life? Was he happy being in the field for long months, years even? Or was he ready to settle down?
Shit, where did that question come from? That’s not what she was looking for. She just wanted to have a little fun with the tiger shifter and that was all.
There was no way that she was actually thinking about a stranger like that.
Jamie was still watching her. “Shut up,” she mumbled.
He laughed loudly.
“I hated you from the second I saw you,” she declared.
His grin remained. “I can’t wait for you to meet my girl. You two are going to get along so well. And Cody’s mate? Yeah, Aubrey is gonna love you,�
� Jamie told her.
“Why would I meet them?” She’d found out both men were in relationships the night before when Cody had spoken with his mate for a long time and Jamie had excused himself to take a call.
“It’s not like Zak’s going to keep you from them. Aubrey would kick his ass.”
She snorted.
“It’s true.” Jamie was practically bouncing beside her. “Aubrey is the only female that scares Zak.” He stopped peering at her. “Until you, that is.”
Before she could respond, he jogged over to Cody.
Now what in the hell did that mean? Why would Zak be afraid of her?
Chapter Seven
Zak sat in a cold metal chair, just about as uncomfortable as he’d ever been. He’d been loaded up with the others and driven to the Coalition. He wasn’t in the same transport as Logan, so Zak couldn’t keep his eye on the big guy and he didn’t like that.
Not that he thought Logan would be able to escape, but after so many hours on the case, Zak was ready to wrap things up.
He understood the need to keep his cover, just in case someone got loose or made a deal to get off with lesser chargers or be released. But normally by now he’d at least not be shackled any longer. Instead he had been shoved into an interrogation room and left alone. Wondering if his buddies actually thought he’d stay put or if they were screwing with him, Zak was just about to stand when the door opened. Of course if wasn’t Cody or Jamie that came through. It was Agent Fox.
Holding in his sigh, he relaxed back in his chair, stretching his legs out under the table. He knew he appeared confident if not outright cocky but since the ATF agent had Zak’s feelings all over the damn place, he was falling back on his go-to expression. If he acted like he didn’t care, maybe he’d eventually believe it.
Maybe she would too.
After her threat earlier, Zak had felt like she’d crushed his heart and that was just nuts. He didn’t even know the woman. It was all instinct drawing him to her.
He could fight the animal inside him. He’d been doing it for years.
“Comfortable, Zak?” she asked, while closing the door behind her.
“I wouldn’t mind having the cuffs off,” he replied.
“Hmm, I guess I could do that,” she said. Instead of coming around the table, though, she took a seat directly in front of him.
She ran her gaze over him, much like she’d done earlier. He felt like she’d just stripped him bare.
“I have a few questions for you,” she said.
“And if I refuse?” he asked.
“Why would you? You are an agent for the Coalition, and the ATF has partnered with your organization to ensure the correct people are put behind bars.”
He leaned forward, sliding his feet under his chair. “Uncuff me,” he demanded.
Agent Fox just smirked at him. “I don’t think so. Right now I have you at my mercy. I’m quite liking it.”
The heat in her gaze was obvious and shocking.
She was enjoying this encounter. Maybe the connection he felt so strongly toward her was returned? But then if she knew who and what he was, that he hadn’t had a choice when it’d come to Luca, why had she said what she had when he’d been arrested? “What do you want to know?”
“Luca told me about what you did for him. He says you probably saved his life. If you hadn’t shot him that the man with you would have,” she said.
Zak nodded.
“Did you have a different plan? Or were you going to put a bullet in my partner the entire time?”
“I was still going over my options but I thought that Luca and I could take Logan together. Luca would still be alive,” he provided. He could have lied. Played like a badass, but he wanted her to know that he wouldn’t have hurt Luca.
“You would have blown your cover for him?” she pressed.
She smiled then and it lit up her entire face. The smile reached her eyes, and he couldn’t take his off her.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
Confused, he just stared at her.
“Luca said you were trustworthy, but I was so angry with you… I still am,” she confessed.
“I understand.”
“I don’t think you do,” she replied quietly. “I’ve never been so all over the place before. Angry, pissed and… Christ!”
Zak wasn’t sure what to make of that so he remained silent.
“What is it about you that I can’t decide whether to punch you or…”
“Or what?” he asked when she didn’t continue.
“Kiss you.”
What? Had she just said that? Blinking at her, he noticed a slight flush to her cheeks. Holy shit, she sure did. “Want to know my vote?”
She laughed. “No, not really.”
He shrugged. It had been worth a try. It also made him feel a lot better knowing he wasn’t the only one who felt like he was losing his mind.
“Cody’s bringing you something to eat,” she informed him as she stood.
“That’d be great.”
A short nod was all he got.
She moved around the table while digging in her pocket. He was relieved to see she had the keys to his cuffs. With quick, efficient movements she undid the metal before pulling back.
He grabbed her wrist. What the hell. He jerked her forward and kissed her.
Just a soft press of his lips against hers. She stiffened for a second then leaned into him. Zak licked at her bottom lip, hoping to entice her into opening for him. She did and her taste was amazing—cinnamon and coffee. Humming, he released her wrist to snake his arm around her waist. He brought her closer so that their bodies were flush against each other.
The move must have caught her attention because she jolted back.
Zak let his arm fall to his side. Agent Fox touched her lips with the tips of two fingers. He knew how she felt. He was still tingling from the fantastic weight of her mouth on his.
“I was right. I knew it from the second I saw you,” she told him.
“You’re a dangerous man, Zak Lewis.”
Shaking his head, he grinned. “I think that’s all you.”
She narrowed her eyes but didn’t respond. As she stalked away he dropped his gaze to her ass, watching how she filled out the tactical uniform pants she wore.
She paused with her hand on the knob.
“What’s your first name?”
“Why?” she asked, frowning.
He didn’t know what had come over him but for the first time in his life, he couldn’t help acting out. He dragged his hand down his chest to his lap. He cupped his erection. “So I know whose name to call out when I’m jerking off later.”
Her mouth opened and closed several times before she cleared her throat. “Abilene. My name is Abilene.”
She fled the room before Zak could say anything else, which was probably for the best. If she’d stayed any longer he might have begged her to let him touch her more.
He could picture himself on his knees promising her anything she might want if he could just have one more taste, just a small touch. His words were all bravado. He was desperate for her and trying his best to hide it.
Abilene closed the door behind her then leaned back against it to catch her breath. She’d told herself over and over before joining Zak in the interrogation room that she had her emotions under control.
Luca had grabbed her the minute she’d returned from the field and pulled her aside. Apparently Cody had shared with him that she’d threatened Zak for shooting Luca. Her partner had not been happy with her.
Even though she’d wanted to tell Luca that Zak had her off balance and she couldn’t help snapping at him, she’d kept silent and let her partner fume. But she had agreed that she needed to give Zak a chance. So she’d swallowed her pride and gone to see him before Cody arrived with Zak’s food.
The door to the viewing room opened, and
Jamie poked his head out while grinning at her.
Well, damn, if Jamie had been watching in the one-way mirror. He’d probably heard everything too. “Don’t!” she scolded, pointing her finger at him.
“What?” he asked, batting his eyelashes at her.
“You don’t do innocent well,” she told him.
Jamie came bouncing out of the room, letting the door slam closed behind him. “I don’t know why everyone says that,” he bitched.
She wasn’t sure when she’d actually started to like Jamie, but she did. “I have to meet the woman that puts up with you.”
“She deserves a medal, that’s for sure.”
Abilene turned her head to the person who had joined their conversation. A pretty dark-haired woman stood next to Cody holding a couple of bags of food. She was smiling at Abilene.
“Hi, I’m Aubrey Reynolds,” she greeted Abilene.
“Abilene Fox,” she replied. “Cody’s mate?”
Aubrey glanced over at Cody. “Yes, he’s fortunate to be mine.”
“Yes, I am,” Cody agreed readily.
Abilene got the feeling that he would consent to anything Aubrey said. It was the way his gaze softened when he glanced at her. The night before, he’d been talking quietly into his cell phone, and the affection and love he held for his mate had been obvious.
“Whipped,” Jamie stage-whispered to Abilene.
She laughed as Cody punched Jamie’s shoulder. The entire group that she’d met from the Coalition was something special. There had been two teams of eight agents in total added to the twenty-five that the ATF had supplied for the bust.
While she was close with her partner and a few others from her division, she could honestly say that they didn’t have the closeness the Coalition shared.
“Better watch out, Jamie,” Aubrey warned.
The big guy puffed out his chest. “Or what?”
“Or…I’ll call Brandy. She said something about a bet that you couldn’t stay away from Coke? That’s strange since Cody told me he had to stop on the way to the bust at a drive-thru. What did you get, Jamie?”
If Abilene hadn’t been watching Jamie’s face, she would never have believed the way the biker paled before sticking his lip out in a pout. “You wouldn’t rat on me!”