Pack Law Read online

Page 8

  Shelby opened her mouth, but Nikki was on a roll.

  She snorted. “‘Allow’ me, they actually used that word.”

  “Now, babe,” RJ spoke for the first time. “You know that’s not what we meant.”

  His voice was deep and if Shelby hadn’t fallen for Mike already she’d have given real thought to finding out more about him. Well, maybe not, because when Nikki glanced back at RJ, his features softened and he brushed his palm over her hair. “We just want you and our baby safe.”

  “I know.” Nikki took his hand. “And I still love you.”

  Okay, so she would have never had a chance with a man who was obviously deeply in love with another. Plus, as hot as RJ was, she preferred the quiet strength that Mike carried.

  “Would you like to sit down?” Shelby offered, motioning to the seat she’d just left.

  Nikki laughed. “No! I really am okay. Don’t you take their side.”

  Shelby lifted her hands. “I won’t, I promise. Us girls have to stick together.”

  “Yeah,” Nikki agreed as she hooked her arm through Shelby’s. “Let’s walk and talk. I want to get a better view of all these people.”

  “Nik,” RJ growled.

  “It’ll be fine,” Nikki assured him.

  Since Shelby figured arguing with Nikki wouldn’t do her any good she went along. Their news van was in the parking lot right by the walkway to the courthouse steps. Barriers had been put up on either side of the sidewalk to keep the two sides separate. She was surprised when Nikki led her to the anti-shifter side instead of the pro-shifter. Shelby had gone back and forth between the two but Nikki was a shifter.

  There were small groups that stood in clusters farther away from the middle. The loudest, and usually the ones looking for trouble, would be right at the front of the crowd. This far back, it was quieter and people were actually talking. The subjects that they were discussing ran from the case, losing jobs to shifters, and even how the shifters should be required to register with the government.

  Proposing the registration of shifter status had already been tried in Congress and it hadn’t gotten very far. Since not every shifter species or faction had come out publicly, there was just no way to force the issue.

  Of course, that didn’t mean that would be the last that they heard about trying to force shifters to register one way or another.

  But she was shocked that these conversations were more civil. Shelby’s experience was with the most outspoken of the groups. Even now, as she and Nikki stopped and peered around, they were getting looks that appeared uneasy from the crowd.

  “I’ve already interviewed a couple of the people back here, although none of them would agree to going on record,” Nikki said.

  “They keep avoiding me,” Shelby shared. “But I also haven’t seen any other reporters interview them either.” She eyed Nikki. “Except you, it seems.”

  Nikki laughed. “I think it’s different since I’m not a reporter. I’m just getting quotes and asking a few questions.”

  “Did you want to talk to someone or something?” Shelby questioned as she peered around. RJ was still following them but he had dropped back several feet, giving them space. No one else seemed to be paying that much attention to them, other than to move away.

  “Yes, actually,” Nikki said. “But I think he’ll be willing to do it on camera and that’s where you come in.”

  “You want me to interview someone?” she asked. “Really?” That wasn’t how things usually worked.

  “Like I said, I’m not a reporter. I’ve found myself writing a lot of articles on shifters but my main job is as a photo journalist. And I’ll do that here but I won’t have my article complete and submitted for another couple of weeks.”

  “I need my cameraman,” Shelby told him.

  “I think it would be better if you met with this guy without him first,” Nikki said. “Just trust me on this.”

  “Okay,” Shelby agreed for the moment. She didn’t need to do anything she didn’t want to but Shelby didn’t expect trouble. Clint had seemed like an all right guy and he’d hooked her up with this woman. Also, Mike would not be happy if she was hurt physically or professionally.

  “He should be right around here,” Nikki said as she started to look around. “Young guy, with brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing dark jeans and an orange sweatshirt.”

  “I don’t see…” Shelby tried to find the guy Nikki was searching for. “There.” She pointed. “Over by the brick building across the street.”

  “Yes!” Nikki grabbed her hand. “That’s him.”

  She pulled Shelby through the crowd like a woman possessed. Shelby stumbled a little in her four-inch heels. Nikki wore flat black boots so it was easier for her to move.

  “Slow down,” Shelby muttered. “Or I’m going to tell your man that you need to sit or something.” It was desperate but Shelby really didn’t feel like breaking her ankle.

  Nikki peered over her shoulder but continued to drag Shelby. “I like you. Clint said I would but he can be a little strange sometimes so I wasn’t sure. And don’t you dare tell RJ anything. I just know I’m going to be wrapped in wool or something and barely let out of his sight.”

  Damn, Shelby laughed, she couldn’t help it. Guess she liked Nikki too.

  “Hey, Bryan!” Nikki shouted but thankfully released Shelby’s hand and slowed down.

  The kid glanced up in surprise. When he saw Nikki calling him, he looked around nervously but didn’t move. He seemed jumpy, and Shelby guessed that he wanted to run. Nikki was either oblivious or just good at appearing so.

  “Hi,” Nikki said as they reached Bryan. “This is my friend. The one that I told you about. Are you still willing to talk to her? Like I said, we don’t have to do it here.”

  Wow! Nikki talked fast.

  “I… I’m not…sure,” Bryan hedged.

  Shelby noticed the coffee shop that they were stood outside was almost empty. “Why don’t we go inside and get away from the crowd?” she suggested. “I could use some quiet.”

  “Please,” Bryan sighed.

  Shelby motioned Nikki first then Bryan. Inside, the strong scent of rich dark coffee was in the air. The aroma was one that she would never get tired of. “Can I get you a drink?” Shelby asked. “I’m dying for a coffee.”

  “Me too,” Nikki agreed.

  A low clear of a throat sounded, and all three of them turned around. Shelby hadn’t even noticed that RJ had entered with them. He did move silently for a big guy.

  “Tea,” Nikki said. “I meant I could use a tea.”

  “Ah.” Shelby laughed. “No caffeine?”

  “No caffeine,” Nikki repeated.

  “What about you, Bryan?” Shelby asked. “I’m thinking about a chocolate mocha.”

  “With caramel?” he asked softly.

  “Of course,” Shelby said. “I’ll grab the drinks. Why don’t you two take that table over there out of the way?”

  That table would keep them out of view from the front windows and should help Bryan relax. She didn’t know why he was so jittery but Shelby knew how to play things.

  Shelby turned to RJ. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, thank you,” he said quietly. “I’ll stay out of the way and make sure there’s no trouble.”

  Did they need protection in a coffee shop? Either RJ was very suspicious or there was a bigger threat than she knew about. As she walked toward the counter, Shelby glanced around trying to see if there was something or someone she was missing. Nope, they were alone.

  “Can I help you?” the barista asked as Shelby reached the counter.

  “Can I get two caramel mochas with whipped cream and caramel drizzle, and a cup of tea?” Shelby requested.

  “What kind of tea?” the barista, whose name tag read Alice, asked.

  “Uh.” Shelby glanced over to the table and saw Nikki leaning close to Bryan as they spoke quietly. She then looked for RJ. He was standing close t
o the door against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. His gaze was on Nikki and he wasn’t paying any attention to her. Shelby sighed and glanced at the woman behind the counter. “I have no idea.”

  The woman’s smile was friendly. “How about the tea that’s today’s special?”

  “Yes,” Shelby said, relieved. “But for a pregnant woman.”

  “No caffeine,” Alice said. “Got it.” She rang up the order. “Twelve fifteen.”

  Shelby pulled out a ten and five. “Keep the change.”

  “Thanks! I’ll bring them over to you in just a minute,” Alice told her.

  “Great.” Shelby strolled back over to the table. As she reached it, Nikki looked up and smiled. “Bryan has a story to tell. He wants to help Jody Norman, but is worried about his own job.”

  That sounded promising. “Well, I’d like to help. I can go on camera with an unnamed source and tell your story. I can put you on camera and shadow you out and change your voice. We’d have to do that at the station, though.”

  “You’d be willing to do that?” Bryan asked with surprise.

  Shelby saw Alice headed over with the tray of drinks. She waited.

  “Here you go!” Alice said as she set the cups on the table. Nikki received a dark tea that had an orange scent. The mochas were served in thick, white ceramic mugs and they were piled high with whipped cream and a beautiful caramel design.

  “That looks so good,” Bryan said, pulling his closer.

  “Thanks again,” Shelby told Alice.

  “Sure thing,” Alice said. “Just holler if you need anything.”

  “We will,” Shelby promised.

  As Alice walked away, Shelby ran her thumb in the cream and popped it in her mouth.

  “That does look really good,” Nikki said with a pout.

  Shelby just grinned but then she peered over at Bryan. “To answer your earlier question, I will do whatever I can to keep you safe. I don’t want to parade you around just for ratings.”

  “I’d like to do that source thing,” Bryan said. “They’ll probably know it was me that spoke to you but they wouldn’t be able to prove it, would they?”

  “No, I would protect you. So would my producer,” Shelby said.

  “Okay.” Bryan nodded.

  “Take your time and tell me everything,” Shelby said.

  * * * *

  She was never going to wear heels again. There had to be some sort of shoes that would make her look good and be comfortable as well. She absolutely, positively was never wearing heels again. As she jogged to Pete, she pulled her cell phone out of her purse. Bryan had said he’d be willing to talk to Mike, and Shelby wanted to get him a message as soon as possible. He’d have his phone off but she’d texted a message to him.

  Hopefully, when court broke for lunch, Mike would check his messages and get a hold of her.

  Pete was still parked in the same spot and she was relieved that she was almost there. He noticed her hurrying over and straightened, looking alarmed.

  Shelby smiled so he knew she was okay. “I’ve got something!” she said as she reached him. “It’s an exclusive and we cannot release the name of our source but I got something.”

  Excitement lit his eyes. “Are we going straight on-air?”

  “I’ve already called Jack and he gave us the green light,” Shelby told him. “I’m to give the barest of reports but to get it out there. Then we need to go in the station and really spin it.”

  “It’s that big?” Pete asked.

  “It’s that big,” she said.

  “Fix yourself up while I get the camera ready,” Pete said.

  “Hey, Pete,” she called, stopping him from going around the van. “I’m going to give the counsel a heads-up. It’s important to the case.”

  “Important to your man,” Pete said.

  Shelby jerked back.

  He chuckled. “I’m a shifter. You’ve showered and changed clothes but I can still slightly smell him on your skin.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t know what to say.

  “He’s a good man,” Pete said. “He’s lucky to have you.”

  That was nice of Pete to say. “Thanks, I’m pretty lucky myself.”

  “They should break for lunch soon, so let’s get this done so you can get the information to Mike.”

  “Just give me a sec,” she told him. Shelby jumped into the passenger seat and pulled down the mirror before she dug in her bag for her makeup compact. She powdered her face, taking away some of the flush she’d gotten from excitement and her short jog. After, she pulled out her brush and smoothed her hair back.

  “I’m set,” Pete called.

  “Okay,” Shelby said. She climbed out of the seat then straightened her dress before she walked over to him. She accepted the microphone and turned to place herself in front of the anti-shifter crowd. They might hear her words but probably not. It wouldn’t matter, though. The story would be out soon.

  “In five,” Pete said then raised his hand to count her down.

  He held up one finger, and Shelby noticed movement over his shoulder. Mike moved into her view. Too late to stop now, Shelby began her report.

  “This is Shelby Holt reporting live from in front of the Clear Creek courthouse where the biggest case of the country is currently underway. In a time where humans have the ability to shift into animals there is a divide between the two races.”

  She spoke with a calm clear voice even as she looked right at Mike.

  “In interviewing both sides of the case I’ve been in contact with a source close to both the defendant and Jody Norman. This information was relayed to me by an unnamed source who has already agreed to talk to the attorney for Mr. Norman. This person claims to be present in numerous settings where the accused belittled and threatened Mr. Norman in front of him and other humans.”

  Shelby peered back into the camera lens. “Join us for our next local broadcast where we’ll reveal some critical details that may change the way we all view the dynamics between shifter and human relationships in the work place.”

  As Shelby ended her live feed, she once again glanced at Mike. This was not going to be fun.

  * * * *

  Mike dragged Shelby away from the crowd caught between intrigue and anger. He’d seen her text message and had excused himself from the lunch that Austin’s people had brought.

  He’d almost reached out to her but had seen the light on the camera that was pointed at her so he’d stood to watch.

  “Hey.” Shelby pulled her arm out of his hold. “I’m in heels.”

  Mike eased his hold and slowed down. This was what he’d known when he got with her, wasn’t it? Shelby was a reporter and it was her job to get information. And she had sent him a message.

  They were far enough away from the crowd that they shouldn’t be overheard easily. During her live feed, everyone had grown quiet around her. Both sides, the anti-shifters and the pro-shifters, had listened to everything she’d had to say.

  Then the pro-shifters had grown angry. Even though they were several yards away, he could still hear shouting. And that pissed him off the most. Standing there in her pretty green dress and sweater, Shelby had put herself directly in the path of danger.

  “Okay,” he said as he released her. He paced away then strolled closer. “I’m not going to yell,” he said, trying to calm himself, but she snorted and drew his attention.

  “Yell?” she asked with her arms crossed. She stood stiffly.

  “Yes, I’m not going to,” he said again.

  “I don’t see why—”

  “Why I’d be mad?” he interrupted.

  “I texted you,” she said. “It’s not like I could just burst into the courtroom and tell you.”

  “Of course not,” he snapped. “So instead you put yourself in the middle of two groups who’d love nothing more than to start trouble and gave them ammunition.”

  “What?” Shelby squeaked.

  Mike stalked to her
and grasped her arms, yanking her close. He made sure to keep his hold gentle so he wouldn’t hurt her. “What if someone had thrown a punch or attacked?”

  “I’ve been doing this a long time,” Shelby said, softer.

  “It could have been an accident!” he claimed. “One person knocks you off those damn heels and you’d go down. By the time any of our friends or your cameraman got to you there’s a good chance you’d be really hurt.”

  “Yeah, but aren’t you mad about the report?” she asked.

  “I’m not happy about it,” he admitted. “And I can admit I was pissed off as I watched your live feed, but no, that’s not my first concern right now.”

  She smiled and it caught him off guard.

  “Why are you grinning?” he asked.

  Shelby lifted her hands even as he rubbed down her arms to grip her wrists. “You really do care for me.”

  “Of course I do,” he said. He leaned forward to simply brush his lips over hers. They were in public after all.

  “Then get ready to completely fall for me,” she said.

  “Why?” He was suspicious.

  “My source is willing to talk to you,” Shelby announced with a laugh.


  “He would rather his name stay out of it as much as possible but he does want to help his friend,” she told him.

  “I can work with that. I might be able to use something that he or she could tell me,” Mike said.

  “Tonight, after you’re done?” she asked.

  “That’ll work. Cooper and Julie are still working nights so we can use their place. I’ll call and let Cooper know, but he won’t have a problem with it.”

  “I’ll set it up,” she said. “You’ll get to meet Nikki Stratton also. She’s the one who introduced me to my source, and she’s a riot.”

  “Okay,” Mike agreed. “If you can take care of that, I’ll grab some dinner on the way to the house so we don’t have to worry about it. I’ll ask Randy to come with me too. He should hear this info first-hand.”

  Shelby rose to her tiptoes and kissed him. “I have to go into the station.”