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Pack Rogue Page 7

  “You can drive anything you want at home,” he countered.

  She hesitated. She didn’t have much. Even her apartment was furnished. Some clothes, pictures and knick-knacks, her computer, and odds and ends. Her biggest possession was the new Tahoe. “I want to take my ride.”

  “Fine,” Austin agreed without pause. “One of the men will drive it.”

  “That’s silly. I can just follow behind you,” she offered.

  “No,” he dismissed. “Now, hop up.”

  “No?” Kiley repeated.

  Austin’s grip on the door tightened. “Don’t make this an issue,” he said in a voice so low that he might have been talking to himself.

  “Or…” She was unable to resist the challenge.

  “As long as we are on the road and off territory, you are not to leave my side,” he snapped.

  “Excuse me?” Kiley cried.

  Austin gently grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her forward. It didn’t hurt but surprised her. That was a move he hadn’t used before…and she kind of liked it. It made her hot when he showed his strength but didn’t hurt her.

  But she wasn’t going to let him know that.

  “Austin,” she warned instead.

  “For once, just listen to me. I promise that I will make sure you have a vehicle available at all times. You will not be stuck alone without a way into town or anywhere else you want to go. But right now you need to trust me. As your mate and the Alpha, you need to take me at my word that this is what is best. We need to get in the vehicles and on the road. We’ll stop by your apartment and grab what you want, but standing out here, in the open, we are a target. Please get in the car.”

  Kiley pressed her lips together. Well, when he put it that way…

  She climbed in, refusing his help.

  Austin closed her door and went to the driver’s side. He jumped in and locked the doors. “Put your seatbelt on,” he ordered.

  Kiley almost refused, just out of spite, but then she noticed his tension—something she hadn’t noticed earlier.

  “Austin, what’s wrong?” she asked, hoping he would tell her. She didn’t want him to hide anything from her. If they were going to be equal partners, it needed to start now.

  “We’re being watched,” he told her as he started the ignition.

  Kiley clicked her seatbelt into place. She needed to stop thinking about herself all the time. Her mate was the Alpha and that position came with a lot of stress. She’d agreed to move with him. She needed to stop being a problem and come up with a way to help.

  She leant back in her seat and thought. She was a licensed private investigator. She would figure it out.

  Kiley sat silently beside him as he drove, and Austin had almost all he could stand of her silence. They’d rushed through packing a couple of bags, her laptop, and some pictures, loaded them up and left. She’d said she had everything she needed for a few days until Tyler got the rest of her stuff sent.

  Still, she hadn’t said more than a dozen words to him since they’d hit the road. He was glad no one else rode with them so he could try to figure out what to say. All he’d wanted was for her to obey a simple command.

  He didn’t blame her for wanting her own vehicle but there hadn’t been time to discuss it, and as soon as he’d realised they were being watched he’d just wanted her out of there. He’d seen Colt and Cain sneak out the back way and around the house. He knew even as he drove away that the men were chasing down the threat.

  It did nothing to ease the tension he felt about his mate being in danger once again. God, how he wanted to get her back home and lock her in the bedroom for the rest of her life. Realistically he knew he couldn’t, but that didn’t stop him from daydreaming about it.

  He glanced in his rear view mirror and saw the two cars following him. Right behind him was Kiley’s SUV, and behind that was his black truck. There didn’t seem to be anyone else driving down the two-lane road.

  He actually jumped when Kiley’s hand covered his. She was still staring out of the side window but when he turned his hand over, she laced his fingers through his.

  Austin relaxed for the first time since they had started the drive home.

  They stopped for gas and to go to the bathroom halfway to his territory. He let Kiley go inside alone but kept an eye on her the entire time. Once he was done filling the tank, he headed inside. They met again as she came out of the women’s restroom and he was going into the men’s. He pulled out his wallet and handed it to her.

  “Would you get me a large coffee and some snacks?”

  She smiled and as their hands touched, she sighed, “I’m sorry, Austin.”

  He shook his head. Really there was nothing to apologise for. He gave her a quick kiss on her lips. “I’ll be quick, love.”

  Her eyes sparkled and she nodded.

  Austin quickly took care of business and washed his hands. He couldn’t wait to get Kiley home. In his heart, he knew she would love his territory.

  Kiley had two coffees, bottles of water, and several snacks at the register when he joined her. He watched his men take turns watching the vehicles, using the restrooms, buying supplies, and watching his mate.

  He nodded at his men, letting them know he appreciated it. He had good members in his Pack. He was proud to have them watching his mate.

  He helped Kiley carry their stuff to the SUV. They climbed inside and waited until the men were loaded up in the other vehicles. It wasn’t long before they were back on the road.

  They had only been driving again for about twenty minutes before Colt called.

  Austin answered with the hands-free device, letting the call go through the radio.

  “We caught one of them,” Colt told him without so much as a hello.

  “Who is it?” Austin barked out with excitement. If they could take care of the problem before he got Kiley home, they would really have something to celebrate.

  “Actually, we’re not sure. He’s not talking,” Colt responded.

  “Well, make him talk,” Austin ordered. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel in frustration.

  Colt chuckled. “Working on it, boss. Let me tell you, Cain can be a scary guy when he wants to.”

  Austin grinned. He knew that for a fact. “If anyone can do it, it’s Cain.”

  Colt paused and Austin barely kept his questions in check. He knew Colt had something more to say.

  “He’s not a wolf.”

  The shock he felt matched the loud gasp from his mate.

  “What is he?” Austin asked slowly.

  “Not sure about that either. Except, he is…feline.”

  Austin’s lip curled in disgust. “I shouldn’t be surprised, I guess.” He’d never had much love for feline shifters. Unlike wolves, or most shifters for that matter, they weren’t much on family. They were mostly unruly and ran wild.

  “Tony says it makes sense, though. He hasn’t been able to communicate with any of the feline shifters.”

  “Well at least this gives us a lead,” Austin agreed.

  “Yeah, I just thought I’d let you know. I’ll call you later when I know more.”

  “Good. Keep me updated.”

  “Will do,” Colt agreed.

  Austin thought over the new information. While he didn’t know any feline shifters, he knew of them. The long-standing feud between the two types had been ongoing since before he was born. He wasn’t even sure how it had started. But he wanted the man to talk. If he had put off leaving, taking his mate away from danger, he would have been there.

  “They’ll get him to talk,” Kiley assured him, rubbing her hand over his thigh.

  Austin bit back a moan from his mate’s contact. Now was not the time to get aroused. “I just wish I could be there.”

  “Tyler will take care of it. You’ve got enough on your plate right now,” Kiley told him.

  Austin rolled his shoulders to relax his upper body. Kiley continued to massage his leg, and his cock har
dened. He shifted to hide his reaction.

  “You okay?” she asked with a teasing caress over his lap.

  “You know damn well what you’re doing to me right now,” he accused.

  She laughed. “And what would I be doing?”

  Again just a faint brush over his erection. Austin grabbed her hand and pressed it fully against his prick. “Keep that up, baby, and I will pull this car over.”

  She closed her hand over him. “That would be a shame.”

  “Since we have two vehicles full of guards behind us, yes it would be.”

  She stiffened and looked behind her.

  Austin chuckled. “Forgot about them, didn’t you?”

  “I seem to forget everything when I’m close to you,” she muttered under her breath.

  Austin was thrilled with her admission. “I know how you feel,” he agreed and laced his fingers with hers.

  Chapter Ten

  It seemed like the drive took forever, yet at the same time it ended way too soon. As soon as Austin told her they were just outside their territory, her stomach started to jump around and the butterflies arrived.

  It had been so long since she’d been with a full Pack. Every time she went to Tyler’s, there were only a few members around. The way Austin talked, it sounded like his Pack was more like an extended family, dropping in whenever they could.

  While the scenery that passed outside the window was indeed beautiful, it didn’t take the edge off. Green grass, tall healthy trees, and plenty of open space flew by them. Kiley clenched her hands in her lap to keep herself from telling Austin to turn around.

  She’d promised herself she wouldn’t cause him any more difficulties. She would be the best mate she could.

  She jumped when Austin’s hand covered her fist.

  “Relax, baby,” he encouraged. “Everyone will love you.”

  Kiley wasn’t so sure. What if they saw what Austin didn’t? What if they knew—like she did—that she would never be the perfect mate? She rubbed her stomach with her free hand.

  They reached a dirt road and Austin turned onto it. “Almost there.”

  Kiley stared out of the window as they bumped along the road. She was trying to see the Alpha house and gates. About a mile from where they’d turned off, a large cabin came into view. She didn’t know who lived there and she wasn’t expecting to make a stop.

  She glanced at Austin, but he just smiled. Kiley took the home in as they pulled up in front. It was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. Dark, thick wooden logs made up the outside. There was a wide wrap-around porch and huge windows that would look out onto the woods just feet away. If she could have picked any house, it would have been one very similar to this.

  Austin put the vehicle in park and turned off the engine. “Well, this is it.”

  Kiley glanced over at him, confused. “This? This is your house?”

  “Our house,” he corrected with a frown. “You don’t like it?”

  But all Kiley heard was ‘our house’. She quickly unfastened her seat belt and pushed the door open. She didn’t even close her door but rushed forwards. The large cabin loomed before her, warm and inviting.

  She wondered how she could possibly deserve such a gorgeous home and a mate who seemed to truly care about her. Her vow to herself on the road came back to her. Austin was offering her so much and she would try her hardest to be a good mate.

  Austin stepped up behind her and placed his hand on the small of her back. She closed the distance to lean her body back against his.

  “So you like it then?” he asked with uncertainty in his voice.

  Kiley nodded. “I think it’s wonderful.”

  He relaxed and she was pleased her comment had been right. She had also told him the truth. The cabin was out in the middle of nowhere in perfect seclusion and the woods were so close she could smell them. The trees, the animals that lived inside, a source of water.

  She felt her wolf ripple inside her. Yes, her sister wolf wanted to run and check out their new home. But there would be time for that. She would try to talk Austin into accompanying her in a run later.

  “Let me show you the inside,” Austin said as he started to lead her forward.

  The steps were solid and when she reached the front porch she saw several wicker chairs and even a swing.

  “You sit out here a lot?” she asked, hoping he did. She would like to spend time sitting with him.

  “I do,” Austin answered. “I like relaxing out here at night. When everything has slowed down, and I can just take the time to listen to nature.”

  They turned as he spoke and looked out from the porch. Wide openness filled Kiley’s vision and she felt comforted by it.

  “You don’t have any gates?” she questioned. She had never in her life lived within a territory that didn’t have security gates. Even Tyler’s home had them.

  “The Pack is so small, I have never seen the need for them. I don’t want any of the members to feel they are not welcome in my home. We stay hidden from everyone else and haven’t had any problems with other Packs. We just want to live peacefully,” Austin explained.

  “That’s just perfect,” Kiley said with a sigh. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud but once the words slipped through, she wasn’t sorry. Austin had a territory to be proud of.

  Quietly they made their way to the front door. Austin withdrew his key and inserted it into the lock but paused to look over at her. “I want you to think of this as your home too, Kiley. If you want to change anything, then change it. If you wish to add something, then add it. It’s only Colt and I here and we’re pretty easy.”

  Kiley understood what he was telling her. And while she appreciated it, she didn’t think it was going to be necessary. She was a pretty casual girl herself. Still she wondered what the cabin of two bachelors would look like on the inside.

  Austin unlocked the door and pushed it open. Kiley stepped in first and her breath caught in her throat.

  The front door opened to a large open area. The same dark wood that was outside lined the cabin’s walls and ceilings. There were steps that led into the open room where she could see large black leather couches and chairs, a big screen TV, and a monster stereo system.

  Kiley grinned and walked down the steps into the room. She looked over it with a critical eye.

  She really liked the stone fireplace in the corner. There were a couple of pictures of wolves hanging on the wall and thick rugs placed throughout the room. She turned and looked into the kitchen.

  Oh, that room was even better! Even though she wasn’t much of a cook, obvious from the barbeque disaster at Tyler’s, she still could appreciate a kitchen like the one Austin had.

  “Oh wow!” she finally said.

  Austin chuckled and swung his arm around her shoulders. “I take it you approve.”

  “Yes,” she told him as she turned into his arms. “You have a lovely home.”

  “We. We have a lovely home,” he corrected.

  Kiley stretched onto her tiptoes until their mouths were just a breath apart. “We have a lovely home.”

  Austin closed the distance and his mouth covered hers. Kiley gripped his shoulders hard as she lost all sense of direction and let her mind drift away. The only thing she concentrated on was the feel of her mate against her.

  He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “First things first,” he said against her mouth.

  Kiley wasn’t sure what he meant until Austin lowered her down so her back met the leather couch. His tongue was working magic and she arched up when his hand pressed over her sex.

  “Austin,” she panted out his name when his mouth left hers.

  “Gotta have you,” he said desperately. “Gotta have you now!”

  They hurriedly removed her clothes and she pulled his T-shirt over his head as he nibbled and licked her neck. Kiley tilted her head to the side to give him better access.

  “God! I burn for you,” he confessed.
She heard the zipper of his jeans come down.

  Kiley used her feet to help push the fabric down his thighs. He lined his cock up at her entrance and she could feel the solid heat as he started to enter.

  He slid in slowly, easily now that she was used to his body. Once fully seated, he paused and Kiley met his gaze. The emotion on his face matched what she felt in her heart.

  Love, devotion, uncomplicated lust. He shared the feelings she had kept to herself. Kiley cupped his cheek and drew him down to her. “My love,” she whispered against his lips.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he looked down at her once again there was just the hint of wetness. “Yes. My love,” he repeated.

  They kissed and he started to move inside her, each stroke slow and deep. Kiley ran her hands over his lower back, urging him on.

  They made love slowly. Eyes locked together, each breath shared, as their bodies moved in rhythm. It was the single best experience of her life.

  When she fell over the edge she cried out his name, tightening around him and bringing him with her.

  As they calmed their beating hearts Kiley wrapped her arms around Austin and just held on. She’d gone and done it. Fallen in love with a man she barely knew, but trusted with her entire heart.

  Austin shuddered above her, his face buried in her neck. It was too good a moment to let go. But the slamming of a car door broke the moment, as Kiley froze stiff while Austin jumped up.

  “Who…?” she started to ask but he shook his head with a smile on his face.

  “Hope you’re ready, baby,” he told her as he gathered her clothes and placed them in her arms. “Looks like you’re about to meet the other woman in my life.”

  Confused and more than a little upset by his declaration, Kiley hurriedly dressed as he did the same. She’d just finished when the front door burst open.

  “Austin! Colt! Are you home?” a woman called out.

  She closed the door and stopped. With the open rooms, she got a look at Kiley as Kiley took the other woman in.

  She was a smaller woman with short brown hair. She wore jeans and a T-shirt that said, ‘Yes, I am a princess.’ She was around Kiley’s age and obviously felt right at home as she walked down the steps.