Pack Rogue Page 8
“Who are you?” she asked rather rudely.
Kiley frowned. “Who are you?” she retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Girls,” Austin drawled and they both turned to him.
He was grinning, while Kiley was just about ready to kill him. What the hell had everything they had done together, the sweet words, the love they shared meant if he had another woman at home? Because if he thought she was going to share her mate, he had another think coming.
“What’s going on?” the other woman questioned him.
He motioned her forwards. She smiled and walked directly into his arms. Kiley didn’t even try to bite back the growl that escaped the back of her throat. She did, however, resist ripping the woman to shreds—barely.
“Ginger! Ginger,” he said lovingly. “Meet my mate.”
“Your mate?” Ginger exclaimed loudly.
She turned back to Kiley who was ready to pounce if Austin didn’t stop touching her.
“Kiley, this is my sister, Ginger,” he introduced.
“Your sister?” Kiley snapped.
She stared at the other woman in shock. Holy Hell, she’d had no idea Austin had a sister. She was even more surprised when the other woman turned and smacked Austin in the back of the head.
“Ow! Shit! What was that for?” he complained, rubbing his hand over his head.
“She thought I was your lover, you dumbass,” Ginger enlightened him.
Austin’s eyes grew and he rushed over to her. “Oh no, baby! Baby, I’m so sorry.”
Kiley let Austin wrap his arms around her as she watched the other woman watch her.
Ginger grinned and rocked back on the heels of her feet. “I can’t believe you finally found your mate.”
Kiley caught Austin’s huge grin.
“Me either,” he said proudly.
Austin released her and Ginger was there in a second, throwing small but strong arms around her neck. “I always wanted a sister,” the other woman confessed.
Kiley relaxed against her and returned the embrace. Maybe, just maybe, she’d found someone else she’d never known she wanted…or needed.
Chapter Eleven
Austin ducked out of the kitchen into the living room with a smile on his face as his cell phone rang. After the initial shock and misunderstanding, Kiley and Ginger had become fast friends just like he’d thought.
Colt’s number flashed over the caller ID and he pressed talk.
“Hey man,” he greeted.
“Hey, did you get home?” Colt asked.
“Yeah, couple of hours ago.”
“Good, do me a favour and stay close by the guards.”
Austin’s stomach dropped. “What happened?”
“The guy’s still not talking much, but he did say one thing,” Colt explained.
“What?” Austin asked cautiously.
Colt hesitated. “Prepare for war.”
“So someone else could be after us,” Austin questioned.
“I believe so. Since we didn’t agree to go public, maybe they will leave us alone—if you want to take the chance?” Colt asked.
“No,” Austin stated firmly. “I won’t put the Pack in danger by ignoring any threat. Plus our friends will need all the help they can get.”
“I think so. Tony finally spoke to the Prince of Felines. He’s agreed to meet with us. He said he didn’t know anything about the threat but he wasn’t surprised,” Colt informed him.
“I didn’t know they even had a Prince.”
“I guess they have a royal family. Not that they have much control over the shifters. But the Prince seemed upset about it, and we’re going to meet with him when we get to Grand Falls.”
“That’s the shifter that’s mated to the vampire and the witch right?” Austin had heard about the Alpha taking his unusual mates a while back.
Colorado was broken into three territories. His, Tyler’s, and Tom’s. While his Pack was small, and Tyler’s consisted only of wolf shifters, Tom actually had several different animal shifters in his area. Plus vampires and other paranormal creatures.
“Yeah,” Colt said, amused. “Gotta tell you, I’m curious about how an Alpha can handle those relationships.”
Austin agreed. Being with his mate was already consuming every minute and thought. He couldn’t imagine having to add a Master vampire to the relationship.
“Call me when you head out. I’ll call Tom later and speak to him.”
“Will do,” Colt agreed.
“Okay. Talk to you soon.”
Austin hung up and stared out of the large window to the territory surrounding the house. He’d always loved being out in the open, the freedom it provided. Now he worried that by not having the same security as other Alphas, he was making it easier for Kiley to be hurt.
Before he could think too much about it, he heard his name called from the kitchen. He joined his mate and his sister as the two women giggled about something.
His sister stood in front of the stove stirring a saucepan while Kiley sat on top of the counter watching. He strolled over to his mate, trying to convey that everything was okay. But when he kissed her cheek, she turned to him and frowned.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
Austin shook his head and offered her a smile. “Nothing, just got a lot on my mind.”
She pressed her lips together but didn’t call him on his lie. She also didn’t believe him.
“I’ve got some phone calls to make. There may be some members of the Pack stopping by in the morning,” he told her, trying to sound casual.
“Austin,” she grabbed his arm when he tried to move away. “Tell me what’s going on.”
He knew he really didn’t have the option of not telling her. “We have trouble with the feline shifters.”
He watched as a series of emotions crossed her face until she got control. “Whatever it is, we’ll handle it.”
Austin cupped her face and made sure their eyes locked. “We will.”
They stared at each other until Ginger broke the tension.
“Attacks? Threats? Does someone want to let me know what’s going on?”
Austin stepped back. “I’ll let Kiley fill you in. I really do need to make some calls.” His mate nodded as Austin backed away. He headed to his office as he heard his sister speak again.
“Okay girl! Tell me whose heads I need to knock together.”
Kiley laughed despite herself when Austin’s sister threatened the unknown people. Sister—she still couldn’t believe Austin hadn’t told her ahead of time, although she liked the other woman. Ginger was loud and brash but funny, and Kiley felt comfortable being alone with her. For such a small woman, Ginger had an attitude that even the biggest guards had to fear.
She took a deep breath before filling Ginger in on everything—everything that had happened and the worry about future attacks against anyone going public. Ginger removed the soup she’d started to make from the burner and turned, giving Kiley her entire attention.
The longer Kiley spoke, the more Ginger scowled. When she was finally done, Kiley took a deep breath. Ginger just stared at her for several moments before she nodded. Then the woman turned to the fridge, opened it, and pulled out two bottles of beer.
She opened both and handed one to Kiley, before draining a third of the contents of the bottle she held.
“Well,” Ginger said when she finally spoke. “That sucks.”
Kiley laughed. She laughed until she had to wipe tears from her eyes. “Kind of does,” she agreed when she stopped. She took a pull of her beer.
“So,” Ginger looked around the kitchen. “Want to see the outside?” Kiley shrugged and jumped off the counter when Ginger motioned for her to follow.
The back door was in the living room beside the full window. Kiley stepped outside and grinned. The sun was just starting to set, the orange and red colours fading in the distance. For as far as she could see, there was nothing but green grass and trees.r />
“I love it here,” she said out loud, not really talking to Ginger.
“Yeah,” the other woman agreed. They stood in silence lost in their own thoughts for several minutes before Ginger stirred and walked to the right. “Over there.” She pointed to the east set of trees. “There’s a small trail that leads deeper into the wildness. That is where most of the Pack lives. Some members live in town but most of us prefer the openness here.”
When Kiley looked closely enough she could see the narrow trail Ginger was talking about. It was obviously made to remain hidden unless you knew to look for it.
“Wow!” Kiley exclaimed in appreciation. “That’s nice.”
“When we left our birth Pack, Austin promised we would always have open space. We travelled from Minnesota until we found this place. Austin said he felt the pull of home and we searched and searched until we came here.”
“This isn’t your birth Pack?” Kiley asked.
“Just what have you and my brother been doing if you didn’t know that?” Ginger inquired with a lifted brow and a smirk.
Kiley blushed. It seemed that with learning each other’s bodies, and worrying, they really hadn’t spent a lot of time talking. “Well, you know,” Kiley tried to explain with a wave of her hand.
Ginger giggled like a little girl. “Yeah, I think I got it.”
Kiley ignored the other woman’s obvious amusement. “It’s complicated.”
“I’m sure it is,” Ginger agreed too easily.
“Just wait!” Kiley waved a finger at her. “When you meet your mate, you’ll understand.”
Ginger shook her head. “I’m not worried. I have no doubt my mate will follow me around like a good man should.”
Kiley snorted. “Can’t wait to see that.”
Ginger grew serious. “This, all of this space and the people and everything that comes with being an Alpha, Austin would give up to have his mate.”
Kiley didn’t respond, just stared out as the sun dipped lower and lower on the horizon.
“It would be sad. Austin is the finest man, the greatest brother, and a wonderful Alpha. It would be sad for those that neede him,” Ginger continued. “But I would back him if that’s what he decided to do. If that’s what he had to do to have his mate.”
Kiley frowned and turned to look at the other woman. “I’m not asking him to give anything up because of me. I don’t want to take Austin away. I want to add to his life,” she responded honestly.
Ginger grinned. “I’ll remember that you said that. I’ll remind you when things get tough. You not only got a mate but you just got yourself a sister too.”
Kiley gave a mock shiver. “I hope she’s sanerthan you,” she teased.
Chapter Twelve
Austin found both his mate and sister on the back porch watching the sun set. He stood just out of the way and gazed at both of his loves.
Ginger had been seventeen when they’d left their home and found this one. Their parents had died in a car accident the year before and there had been too many memories for them to stay. Ginger had been depressed and Austin had been going out of his mind with worry. He knew there was a place for him, for both of them, somewhere. When he’d first seen this area, he had known he was home.
Now he felt his heart was so full it might burst.
He hadn’t moved or made a sound but at that moment Kiley turned her head. Their gazes locked and she smiled.
Austin actually felt a moment of dizziness. His mate was just so wonderful. She was beautiful, and smart, and best of all—his.
He took long strides over to her chair and, ignoring his sister’s smirk, leant down and took Kiley’s mouth in a deep, sensual kiss.
Kiley moaned and wrapped an arm around his neck, holding him close. Austin went down on his knees and yanked her to the edge of her chair.
Their tongues tangled, duelled for control, before she gave in and tilted her head to allow him the control.
Austin liked that. Kiley could kiss—kiss him breathless—but even then, she wasn’t a pushover.
“Well, I think I’m headed home,” Ginger stated loudly.
Austin pulled his mouth away from Kiley’s but kept her body close to his. “Make sure you’re careful. Kiley told you about the threats?”
At Ginger’s nod, Austin winked. “I know you can take care of yourself but if someone is around, I would like to question them instead of just burying the body.”
He was only half joking. Ginger went above and beyond trying to outdo most of the men in the Pack. While it made Austin proud, it also worried him at times, and this just happened to be one of them.
“I’ll be careful. I started some soup and it’s on the stove if you work up a hunger,” Ginger said, laughing.
Austin groaned. “Go home,” he begged.
Ginger waved her hand in the air. “I’m going. I’m going.”
Instead of walking back into the house, Ginger leapt over the porch railing to land gracefully on her feet.
“Show-off,” Austin called and was pleased by both women’s laughter.
Once his sister was far enough away to be out of hearing distance, Austin cupped Kiley’s face, searching. He was thrilled when, instead of pulling away, Kiley actually leant into him.
“You okay?” she asked
He nodded. “Not actually the way I thought I would spend the first night at home with my mate,” he smiled.
“And just how did you think it would go?” she teased.
Austin picked her up swiftly out of the chair and sat down with her on his lap. “I imagined trying to get my mate comfortable in every room.”
“Comfortable?” she asked as she wiggled on his lap.
Austin groaned and held her still, the pressure on his erection a sweet but torturous mixture. “Can’t get any more comfortable in a room than being naked and screaming.”
Kiley laughed, shook her head, laughed again. Her body shook and he liked the sound. He pulled her back against his chest.
When she finally stopped laughing she wiped her eyes and twisted her head to see him. “I can’t argue with you there I guess.”
Austin tilted his head and faked serious. “So, my mate, where should we start?”
She lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “I haven’t seen the bedroom yet.”
“You haven’t seen any of the upstairs.”
Her nose crinkled and she tried to be serious. “What do you plan to do about it?” she questioned.
Austin rose with her still in his arms. She grunted and protested when he slung her over his shoulder.
“Austin, put me down!”
He ignored her as he made his way to the side door.
He made sure to lock it behind him and started the tour. “Okay, so this is the living room, which you should already be comfortable in.”
She kicked her feet and he had to tighten his grip. “Yes, the living room. I got that.”
Austin slapped her ass once and she gasped. “I’m giving you the grand tour. Work with me.”
“I would work with you better if everything was not upside down,” she complained.
Austin just chuckled and slapped her ass again. “Okay, over there is the laundry room.” He waved his hand in the general direction. “You saw the kitchen…over there is my office. There’s a study next to it but if you want to use it for your office, that would work too.”
He reached the stairs. “That door leads to the bathroom down here. Usually only guests use that.” He started up. “Now up here is the really good stuff.”
“Austin, come on, put me down. All the blood’s rushing to my head,” Kiley pleaded.
“So there are four bedrooms up here. Two guest, Colt’s, and our room. Ginger has stuff stashed in one of them but the other is free for any visitors. There’s a bathroom down the hall but here is where you should spend most of your time.”
Austin pushed his bedroom door open, brought Kiley off his shoulder, and placed her on her feet in the doorway.
He hoped she liked it.
“Nice,” she commented and walked in.
Austin watched her as she stalked around the room. He had a California King-size bed with a dark wood headboard and matching end tables. Off to one side was a double balcony door. The curtains were closed now but on clear nights Austin would leave the doors open when in bed. He couldn’t wait to make that experience even better by getting to hold his mate.
Kiley had come to a stop in front of the bed. “My, my, what a big bed you have,” she teased.
He took a few steps forward and pulled his shirt over his head. “All the better to throw you on.”
Kiley smirked as she pulled her shirt off and dropped it to the ground. Austin paused long enough to open his pants and push them down.
“Oh, goodness. What a big cock you have,” Kiley faked shock.
Austin stroked his already fully aroused member. “All the better to fuck you with, my dear.”
Kiley threw her head back with a deep chuckle. “Well in that case…” she stated, before stripping the rest of her clothes off and climbing into the middle of the bed. “Get over here, my big bad wolf.”
“Woof, woof,” Austin barked, and pounced.
He landed on the soft mattress, bouncing both of them, and wrapped his arm around her waist to hold her close.
Kiley reached for him, giggling, before their lips connected. Austin didn’t think he would ever get tired of kissing his mate. When Kiley kissed, she put her soul into it. She moved her body to match each thrust of her tongue.
When they pulled away they were both panting for breath.
“I can’t get enough of you,” she confessed in a desperate tone. “I ache to have you inside.”
The admission, spoken in a soft tone, yanked at Austin’s heartstrings. While Kiley was starting to open up more and more comfortably, he was growing to love her that much more deeply.
She wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked him, causing Austin to buck and groan. He meant to tell her how much he also needed her, but with one hand of hers gripping and pulling and the other cupping and massaging his balls, he was beyond speech. All he could do was grunt and whimper.